
Showing posts from September, 2018

What Qualities Make a Good Business Broker Stand Out?

Over the past years, we have heard a million frightening stories about business owners dealing with some “fly over-night” business brokers. It always makes us wonder as to how would they get hooked up with people when they have already heard about them in public. We feel sorry for such business owners and wonder if we could do something to market our skills and abilities. Yes, there are a bunch of reliable business brokers that you can trust on with your property. However, since we are in this business, we can tell the difference between a good and a bad business broker. But, can you? Maybe that’s a tough question to answer but to make it easy we have listed a few points that you must really consider before hiring a business broker. Principles and Ethics – It is recommended that you check whether the brokers have achieved their CBI (Certified Business Intermediary) designation from the IBBA (International Brokers Business Association). They must adhere to all the standards of